腹盆腔结核 B 超误诊为卵巢囊腺瘤1例

来源 :浙江肿瘤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:venicego
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患者女,17岁,因停经,下腹疼痛三月来院诊治。平素健康,否认肺肾结核,血吸虫病史,药物过敏,手术史等。体检:一般情况好,神志清,体温正常、全身未及明显肿大淋巴结,双肺听诊无殊,心音中,心律不齐,可闻及Ⅱ级舒张期杂音。腹软,肝脾肋下未及,未及明显肿块。肛诊:盆腔未及肿块,手指触及范围未及新生物。胸透:两肺清晰,心膈正常。心 Female patient, 17 years old, due to menopause, abdominal pain in March to hospital for treatment. Usually healthy, to deny tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, drug allergy, surgery history. Physical examination: the general situation is good, clear consciousness, normal body temperature, systemic and not significantly enlarged lymph nodes, lung auscultation without special heart sound, arrhythmia, can be heard and Ⅱ diastolic murmur. Abdomen soft, liver and spleen ribs have not reached, not as obvious mass. Rectal examination: pelvic less than lumps, fingers reach the range of new biological. Chest throat: two lungs clear, normal diaphragma. heart
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例1 王某,女,33岁,汉族。以腹痛待查于1991年12月18日收住我院妇科。患者G_2P_1,月经史153~4/23~25d,经量中等,末次月经为1991年12月3日,经量同以前相比略少,5d干净。患者于19
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