Photochemical properties of a new kind of anti-cancer drug: N-glycoside compound

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynkm8899
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Due to the nontoxicity and efficient anti-cancer activity, more and more attention has been paid to N-glycoside compounds. Laser photolysis of N-(α-D-glucopyranoside) salicyloyl hydrazine (NGSH) has been performed for the first time. The research results show that NGSH has high photosensitivity and is vulnerable to be photo-ionized via a monophotonic process with a quantum yield of 0.02, generating NGSH+· and hydrated electrons. Under the aerobic condition of cells, the hydrated electrons are very easy to combine with oxygen to generate 1O2 and O2-, both of which are powerful oxidants that can kill the cancer cells. In addition, NGSH+· can be changed into neutral radicals by deprotonation with a pKa value of 4.02 and its decay constant was determined to be 2.55×109dm3·mol-1·s-1. NGSH also can be oxidized by SO4-. with a rate constant of 1.76×109 dm3·mol-1.s-1, which further confirms the results of photoionization. All of these results suggest that this new N-glycoside compound might be useful for cancer treatment. Due to the nontoxicity and efficient anti-cancer activity, more and more attention has been paid to N-glycoside compounds. Laser photolysis of N- (α-D-glucopyranoside) salicyloyl hydrazine (NGSH) has been performed for the first time. research results show that NGSH has a high photosensitivity and is vulnerable to be photo-ionized via a monophotonic process with a quantum yield of 0.02, generating NGSH + · and hydrated electrons. Under the aerobic condition of cells, the hydrated electrons are very easy to combine with Oxygen to generate 1O2 and O2-, both of which are powerful oxidants that can kill the cancer cells. In addition, NGSH + · can be changed into neutral radicals by deprotonation with a pKa value of 4.02 and its decay constant was determined to be 2.55 × 109dm3 · mol-1 · s-1. NGSH also can be oxidized by SO4-. With a rate constant of 1.76 × 109 dm3 · mol-1.s-1, which further confirms the results of photoionization. All of these results suggest photo that this new N-glycoside compound might be useful for cancer treatment.
系统评价者:Makrides M,Crowther C A1 背景 镁是人类需要量相对较大的必须金属元素之一。很多食品当中含有镁,所以标准饮食的健康人群中很少有镁缺乏的报道。对孕期饮食摄
糖尿病(DM)与泌尿道感染在中老年患者同时发病颇为常见,现将我院处理的48例分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:DM合并泌尿道感染患者48例均为女性,年龄36~76岁,平均57.5±1