Terahertz electromagnetic waves emitted from semiconductor investigated using terahertz time domain

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Ultrafast electromagnetic waves radiated from semiconductor material under high electric fields and photoexcited by femtosecond laser pulses have been recorded by using terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). The waveforms of these electromagnetic waves reflect the dynamics of the photoexcited carriers in the semiconductor material, thus, THz-TDS provides a unique opportunity to observe directly the temporal and spatial evolutions of non-equilibrium transport of carriers within sub-picosecond time scale. We report on the observed THz emission waveforms emitted from GaAs by using a novel technology, the time domain THz electro-optic (EO) sampling, which has a bipolar feature, i.e., an initial positive peak and a subsequent negative dip that arises from its velocity overshoot. The initial positive peak has been interpreted as electron acceleration in the bottom of valley in GaAs, where electrons have a light effective mass. The subsequent negative dip has been attributed to intervalley transfer from to X and L valleys. Furthermore, the power dissipation spectra of the bulk GaAs in THz range are also investigated by using the Fourier transformation of the time domain THz traces. From the power dissipation spectra, the cutoff frequency for negative power dissipation (i.e., gain) under step electric field in the bulk GaAs can also be obtained. The cutoff frequency for the gain gradually increases with increasing electric fields up to 50 kV/cm and achieves saturation at approximately 1 THz at 300 K. Furthermore, based on the temperature dependence of the cutoff frequency, we find that this cutoff frequency is governed by the energy relaxation process of electrons from L to valley via successive optical phonon emission.
压缩真空光输入和平衡零拍探测可有效增强Sagnac效应, 提高陀螺精度;考虑平衡零拍探测的相位精度与相位自身相关, 仅在某特定相位能达到最佳灵敏度, 设计了一种基于光子计数法提取Sagnac输出相位的方案, 并利用贝叶斯理论估计相位.理论分析结果表明, 该方法能突破散粒噪声极限, 相位精度不再受限于相位自身, 且当压缩真空光和相干激光功率相同时, 精度在理论上能达到海森堡极限.
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KTP非线性频率转换技术是实现人眼安全激光的有效方法,为了获得高峰值功率人眼安全激光,设计了一种级联式1.06 μm泵浦非临界相位匹配环形腔KTP光参量振荡器-光参量放大器,并对其激光输出进行了测试,结果证明该光参量振荡器输出激光波长1.571 μm,激光峰值功率42 MW,光光转换效率35%,能量稳定度2.5%。该技术已用于计量检测标准光源,并在远程人眼安全激光测距仪、激光雷达等装备中具有应用前景。