
来源 :图书馆理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosun988
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欣喜地读到宁夏《网书馆理论与实践》1986年第3期上一篇文采飞杨的文章《诗人与图书馆》。文中言及陆游“1204年曾主持国家图书馆的工作。”此语年代有误,余一时兴起,翻史书及放翁年谱,曰:查陆游之任秘书监也。陆游是南宋著名的爱国诗人,也是富甲一方的藏书家和饱学之士,他坚贞不阿的民族气节与苟安享乐的朝廷不调和,终于淳熙十六年(1189)底,为谏议大夫何澹所劾,罢官返回故里。陆游对此并不苦恼遗憾,他写道:“我年六十四,获谴输鬼薪,束书出东门,挥手谢国人。笑指身上衣,不复染京尘。”(《剑南诗稿》卷五十一)诗人回乡,开始了从光宗绍熙元年(1190)到宁宗嘉泰元年(1201)这十一二年的田园生活。陆游家富藏书,加上他宦游四方时不断购求,此时所聚更夥。这位白发诗翁,暂时摆脱了险恶风云和朋党之争,时常在藏书室内绻恋忘情,“万卷古今消永日,一窗昏晓送流年”(《剑南诗稿》卷六十二)。在陆游罢职蛰居乡里的十二年间,南宋政局发生了很大的变化,中宗皇帝赵扩在宫廷内 Delighted to read Ningxia “Internet Library Theory and Practice” 1986 the third period of the article Wenfei Yang’s article “poet and library.” Wen Lu and Lu You said in 1204 had presided over the work of the National Library. “The language age is wrong, I suddenly rise, turning history books and release Wengnianniangyu, said: check LvYou any secretary supervisor. Lu You is a famous patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. He is also a well-known collector and entertainer. His unyielding national integrity and peace of court were not reconciled. Finally, in the 16th year of the reign of Emperor Chunxi (1189) Ho 澹 所 劾, dismissed as an official hometown. Lu You is not distressed at this regret, he wrote: ”I am 64 years old, was condemned to lose the ghost, bunch of books out of the East Gate, waving Xieguo people. The poem “Back in the South” is returning to the country and began the pastoral life of 11 years from the first year of Guangzong’s Shaoxi (1190) to the first year of Ningzong’s Jiathai (1201). Lu You Jiafu book collection, coupled with his official visit when the Quartet continued to buy, get together at this time. The white-haired Weng, temporarily out of the sinister situation and the battle of cronies, often in the library indulgence, “ten thousand rolls of ancient and modern eternity, a window faint to send fleeting years” (“Jiannan poem” volume sixty two). Twelve years after Lu stopped his office in the village, the political situation in the Southern Song Dynasty has undergone great changes, Zhao Zhongzong expanded within the court
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恶性滋养叶细胞疾病对妇女健康危害较大,目前对复发和抗药者的治疗还存在一定困难。近几年来我们参照 Bagshawe 的多种药联合化疗法及 MBP方案,制定出改良的 MBP 方案治疗25
患者 38岁,已婚。因腹痛,下腹包块5年,阵发性剧烈腹痛1~+月于1985年2月2日急症入院。患者于5年前在月经来潮后20余天感左下腹隐痛,持续5~6天,突转剧痛,半小时后自然缓解,未晕