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  1.进大学enter college
  2.进医院be sent to hospital/be hospitalized
  3.进货lay in a new stock of goods/stock a shop with goods
  4.进言give a word 0f advice
  5.共进晚餐have supper together
  6.火车进站了。The train is pulling in
  7.不进则退。Move forward,or you’ll fall behind.
  8.世界在进步。The world is progressing,/The world moves ahead
  9.你的发音很有进步。Your pronunciation has greatly improved
  10.我们的工作有了很大的进步。Great advances have beenmade in our work
  11.历史进程the course of history
  12.车辆由此进入。Vehicles this way!
  13.这商店每天有上万元的进出。The store has a daily turnoveof more than ten thousand yuan
  14.进出口imports and exports/exits and entrances
  15.进度rate of progress(或advance)
  16.加快进度quicken the pace(或tempo)
  17.全歼进犯之敌wipe out aIl the invading enemy
  19.人从类人猿进化而来。Man evolved from the anthropoid ape
  21.进口货imported goods/imports
  22.进取keep forging ahead/be eager to make progress
  23.进入角色enter into the spirit of a character/live one’s part
  24.进食take Sod/have one’s meal
  25.进退两难difficult to advance or to retreat
  26.进行be in progress/be underway/go on/carry out/conduct
  27.工作进行得怎样?How are you getting on with your work?
  28.手术进行了六个小时。The operation lasted six hours
  29.进行科学实验engage in scientific experiment
  30.进行激烈争论carry on a spirited debate
  31.进行表决put a question to the vote
  32.进行英勇斗争wage a heroic struggle
  33.进行抵抗put up a resistance
  34.进修engage in advanced studies/take a refresher course
  35.进一步go a step further
  36.进展make progress/make headway
  37.事情进展如何?How are things going?
  38.谈判毫无进展The talks made no headway
  39.工程进展很顺利The project is making good progress。
  40.进驻enter and be stationed in/enter and garrison
  42.退一步说even if that is so/even so
  43.退货return merchandise/cancel an order
  46.潮水退了。The tide has receded/The tide is on the ebb
  47.退避withdraw and keep off/keep out of the way
  48.退兵之计a plan for repulsing the enemy
  49.退出withdraw from/secede/quit
  50.退出历史舞台step dpwn from the stage of history
  51.退换exchange(或replace)a purchase
  52.退路route of retreat
  53.留个退路leave some leeway
  54.退让make a concession/yield/give in
  55.退烧hring down(或allay)a fever
  56.退缩shrink hack/tlinch/cower
  57.退席leave a banquet or a meeting/walk out
  58.退伍军人demobilized soldier
  59.退休工人retired worker
  60.退职resign or be discharged from office
在科学技术突飞猛进 ,知识经济初见端倪 ,国力竞争日益激烈的严峻挑战面前 ,我国实施科教兴国的战略是面对机遇与挑战的正确决策 ,将应试教育转变为素质教育已成为当前教学改
“讨论、理解、改变环境”(Discuss,Understand,Change Environment)演讲比赛征稿活动得到全国大学生的广泛参与。在众多稿件中,评审委员会经过反复讨论,仔细评阅,最终决定如
岩白菜素因其广泛的生理活性而备受关注。本文通过Mannich和Mitsunobu反应,合成了8个氮杂岩白菜素衍生物,其结构经1H NMR、13C NMR及质谱确证。采用MTT法初步测试了目标化合