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刘俊杰,1986年毕业于鲁迅美术学院本科班。同年在本院举办大型个人画展,是建国以后全国八大美院学生办个展第一人。院长乌密风教授为展览写了前言,孙世昌教授写了刘俊杰画展观后《一个新奇广阔世界的意蕴》,并在院刊《美苑》杂志上发表评论。《辽宁日报》、《沈阳日报》、辽宁电视台、沈阳电视台,都对画展作了专题报道,颇受好评。中央新闻纪录电影制片厂驻辽宁记者站记者郭守春为其拍摄了专题纪录片。 Liu Junjie, graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts undergraduate course in 1986. In the same year, a large-scale solo exhibition was held in our hospital. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the first eight people of the National Academy of Fine Arts held solo exhibitions. Professor Wu Mi Feng, Dean wrote the preface for the exhibition. Professor Sun Shichang wrote the implication of a novel world after Liu Junjie’s exhibition, and commented on the magazine “Mei Yuan” magazine. Liaoning Daily, Shenyang Daily, Liaoning TV Station and Shenyang TV Station all made special reports on the exhibition and were well received. Guo Shouchun, reporter of the Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio in Liaoning, filmed his documentary.
今年的上海双年展的主题是“快城快客”。循着上海双年展自身的文化逻辑,本届展览把视点聚焦于城市及城市的主体——人,探寻着城市如何让生活更美好,也让我们思考着…… The
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