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1990年12月初,我一方面忙于准备全国档案法制工作会议和省、自治区、直辖市档案局长及中央、国家机关档案部门负责人会议,同时参加曾三同志治丧活动。万没有料到12月7日上午突然得到张老于当日上午10时24分去世的噩耗,这又使我没有任何思想准备。因为此前,张老的精神还正在日渐好转。我立即奔赴中南海,将这一不幸的消息报告了国务院罗干秘书长办公室和安成信副秘书长办公室并赶赴北京医院。我向张老遗体深深鞠躬,向他致以沉痛的哀悼。张老女儿夏飞告诉我,在这之前,中央书记处后补书记、中央办公厅主任温家宝等领导同志已前来向张老告别了。不一会,国务院秘书长罗干同志秘书告知,罗干同志正在西郊参加一个会议,就要赶往医院,接着安成信副秘书长来了,向张老告别,并询问了张老逝世情况,向家属表示了亲切的慰问。11时许,我和刘国能同志送张老遗体到太平间,接着又去看望了张老夫人温士梅同志。 In early December 1990, on the one hand, I was busy preparing for the national archives legal work conference and the meeting of the archives director of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as the chief of archives departments of the central authorities and state agencies. At the same time, I participated in the mourning activities of Comrade Zeng San. We did not expect that the sudden news of Zhang’s death at 10:24 on the morning of December 7 in the morning of December 7 left me without any thought preparation. Because before that, the old spirit is still getting better. I immediately went to Zhongnanhai and reported this unfortunate news to the Office of the Secretary General of the State Council Luo An and Deputy Secretary-General An Chengxin and rushed to Beijing Hospital. I bowed deeply to the remains of Zhang Lao and extended my painful condolences to him. Zhang Fei, an old daughter, told me that prior to this, leading comrades such as Wen Jiabao, secretary of the Central Secretariat and secretary of the Central Secretariat, had come to bid farewell to Zhang. A short while later, Secretary-General Luo Gan, secretary general of the State Council, told us that Comrade Luo Gan is attending a meeting in the western suburbs and is going to the hospital. Then Deputy Secretary-General An Chengxin came to bid farewell to Zhang Lao and asked about the passing away of Zhang Lao- Expressed cordial condolences to the families. 11 am, Comrade Liu Guoneng and I sent the remains of the old to the morgue, and then went to visit Mrs. Chang Shimei Zhang Shimei comrades.
具有浓郁地方特色的望奎皮影戏在其婚恋观上也有其独特的个性。这些特点是与宗教文化、民风民俗及行规有着密切的关系的。 Wang Kui Pi Shadow Films with rich local featu
摘要:本文论述会计计量中公允价值的概念及应用,并从理论上探讨公允价值与其他计量方式的联系,展望公允价值计量的发展前景。  关键词:公允价值;具体运用;联系及前景  作者简介:张蔚文(1940—),男,广东广州人,广东培正学院会计系主任,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:会计与审计。  中图分类号:F23文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3309(2008)12-0066-02    一、公允价值在会计计
ZnO nanorods were grown on Si substrate by hydrothermal method under various reaction time (12, 24, and 36 h), Zn2+ concentrations (0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 mol/L)