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  【Abstract】Teacher’s teaching reflection has become the core focus in school.However,there are different understandings of the concept of teacher’s teaching reflection.The paper introduces and compares different understandings of the concept of teachers’ teaching reflection.Based on the summarizing of the concept on reflection and teaching reflection,this paper tries to provide reference for the teacher’s teaching reflection.
  【Key Words】Teachers; reflection; teaching reflection
  As the teaching perpetrators in school,teachers’ performance will directly determine the success of the new curriculum implementation and the teaching quality.With the gradual implementation and in-depth development of the new-round educational curriculum reform,brand new educational ideas and teaching methods are widely applied in teachers’ daily teaching work,which makes the field of elementary teaching take on a prosperous outlook.Among factors,teachers’ teaching reflection plays an important role in promoting the quality of teaching and teachers.
  2.Different Understanding of the Connotation of Reflection
  Self-examination can be interpreted as examining one’s own conscience,which is a process of meta-cognition.In China,there is a long tradition of examining one’s own conscience.Confucius emphasizes the ability of scholars’ self-examination which is the self-request of the followers of Confucianism.People always stress the important role of self-examination in developing themselves.In western countries,thoughts about own cognitive process and state of mind can trace back to the days of Plato and Aristotle.When Locke used the word “self-examination”,he believed that self-examination is a perception of their own state of mind or an attention of their own conceptual work,which is an object of conceptual work and a mind of thinking.
  Self-examination can be regarded as a sophisticated cognitive activity,which is a solution to special problems.Dewey is a very famous American educator,philosopher in pragmatism and psychologist,pragmatic philosopher,educator.Dewey believed that there were three important attitudes of self-examination,these are,open-mindedness,responsibility and whole-heartedness.It is these three attitudes that ensure and push forward the development of self-examination.Based on the self-examination theory of Dewey,the movements of cultivating reflective teachers and advocating reflective teaching prospered in the world educational field in the 1980s.   3.Different Understanding of the Connotation of Teaching Reflection
  3.1 D.A.Schon’s View.D.A.Schon (1983) argues that reflection refers to the professionals can construct or reconstruct the problems encountered in the process of work and further explore these issues under the background of them,and then find approaches to explain or solve these problems.He has put forward two concepts:Reflection-In-Action and Reflection-On-Action,which has a significant influence on the later researchers.Reviewing the literatures,Grimmet and Erickson believe that there are mainly three kinds of teaching reflection:
  The first view is that teaching reflection is a technical analysis of teaching skills and deep thinking of teaching activity itself (especially teaching skills,teaching methods),which enables teachers to apply research results(technical level)and educational theory to educational practice consciously,cautiously and frequently.
  The second view is that teaching reflection refers to the in-depth thinking of various “excellent teaching view” which is controversial and makes a choice,which also thinks deeply about educational concept and educational background.The two distinctive features of this view:one is the attention on the background,the development of educational events; the other is to reflect particular events and situation.The purpose is to make a deep understanding of teaching practice through reflection.
  The third view is that teaching reflection is a reconstruction of teaching experience.Researchers who hold this view are the most and the representative is Schon.In this view,teaching reflection is a means of understanding,evaluation of teaching practice,which is also a reorganization and reconstruction of experience.
  3.2 Domestic Scholars’ View.The scholars of our country have begun to explore teaching reflection from psychology and pedagogy respectively since the 1990s.Shen Jiliang and Xin Tao from Beijing Normal University discuss this problem from psychology.They think that the research of “the teaching monitoring capability of teachers” is similar to teaching reflection and “the essence of teaching monitoring is self-consciousness and regulation of teaching process,namely reflection.”They argue that:“the teaching monitoring capability of teachers means that in order to assure the success of teaching and achieve the desired goal,teachers regard teaching activity itself as the object of consciousness,which also represents an ability of positive and proactive planning,inspection,evaluation,feedback,control and adjustment.”   However,Shen Jiliang,Liu Jiaxia point out,that teaching reflection of teachers which runs through education and Teaching activities is an important component of teacher education and teaching cognitive activity,Specifically,teaching reflection is a process,which means that a teacher in order to achieve the purposes of the effective education and teaching,with the support of teaching reflection to think,which should be active,sustained,thorough,in-depth,self-regulating,the education,teaching activities that have already occurred or taking place as well as the theories and assumptions which are behind these activities,and in the process of thinking,being able to discover and represent clearly all the problems of education and teaching when you encounter them,and actively seek a variety of ways to solve the problems.
  Based on studying the meanings of teaching reflection,this paper is not difficult to be found that the different understanding towards the concept of teaching reflection leads to different definition of the content.Some believe that is a reflection of the teaching content; Some think that is a reflection of the existing teaching experience; Some extend the contents into school’s teaching and the wide range of social backgrounds behind it.As far as this paper concerned,the understanding of teachers’ teaching reflection is:Guided by the advanced education teaching theory,teachers regards their own teaching activities as objects of thought,with critical and fresh eyes on mediating and analyzing their own teaching philosophy,teaching behavior,and teaching results etc.Teachers’ teaching reflection is not an easy process.On the contrary,it involves a major shift in emphasis in their thinking and acting.A reflective teacher is the one who adopts a critical attitude to himself and challenges his espoused personal beliefs about teaching.
  [1]Jack C.Richards
【摘要】英语阅读理解作为英语教学的一部分,对语言学习的激活起着举足轻重的作用。教师在实际教学中,需要谋求高职学生实际语言能力和真实英语素材之间的平衡,通过合理的教学原则和策略选择来帮助高职学生阅读技能的提高。  【关键词】高职 英语阅读 教学原则 策略  高职学生,由于受其自身语言水平较低的现实困扰,在阅读过程中常常会发生不能克服的诸多问题。由于大量的词汇困难和未知的语言使高职学生难以理解教材文章
看来杰伊·乔丹已经犯了一个致命的错误—满50岁了。  杰伊从二十多岁起就是一名成功的电视编剧。众所周知,如果他的制作人需要改写《希尔街的布鲁斯》,他就会推迟去欧洲度假。这是他婚姻破产的原因之一,尽管只是一个次要原因。不幸的是,他的妻子琳恩是处理这次破产案的“接管人”。  然而,就在他吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛那一刻,似乎也同时吹走了自己的生意。他通常会在星期一问经纪人怎么没有活儿,而这个人(他的老朋友之
当今世界,有了互联网,作家的日常生活往往会如实展示在世人面前。但是,昔日的世界可并非这样。多年以前,在没有互联网的时代,要想发掘一位作家或名人的趣闻轶事,则常常需要费尽心思。  世界上最有才华的一些作家,因为他们的旷世之作而名扬天下,但他们的个人生活却是另一回事。下面介绍的十位作家的生活状况既十分有趣,又迥然不同。尽管关于他们的趣闻不计其数,但这十件可以说最为扣人心弦。海明威在两次坠机事故中死里逃
【摘要】根据认知因素原理和加工层次理论,在词汇教学中发挥学生的主动性,使其充分思考,进行大脑深度加工,并多创造单词使用的情景,会激发学习兴趣,提升记忆效率,加强语言学习的效果。基于教学实践,本文以故事法为切入点,介绍词汇教学实例并用学业测试来检验其教学效果,试图探究更有效的英语词汇记忆策略。  【关键词】故事法 英语词汇 记忆策略  一、理论基础  词汇习得是一个复杂的认知过程,也是外部因素与内部
【摘要】中学生英语能力的培养牵涉到众多的因素。到目前为止,从教育目标的制定到师资培训、教材教法、技术运用、考试形式等等无不环环相扣,相互影响。本文就我国现阶段中学英语教育所面临的八大最现实问题再做探讨,并针对这些问题提出个人的建议。  【关键词】中学英语教学 问题 对策  一、学生学习能力不同,程度不同,造成教学上不能因人而异,教师无所适从  现如今,越来越多的孩子在学前期就开始学习英语,这个现象
【摘要】课堂练习是课堂教学的重要组成部分,但长期以来我们往往惯用一些老题目、老题型,致使学生积极性丧失,练习效果不佳。在“减负增效”的今天,精心设计课堂练习显得尤为重要。笔者认为应从创新激活、拓展运用、分层要求三方面加以优化,这样才能达到练习的目的,从面促进学生个体生命的成长。  【关键词】优化 初中英语 课堂练习  课堂练习是课堂教学的重要组成部分,它是学生掌握知识,形成技能,发展智力的重要手段
【Abstract】The classic works in Canadian Literatures that advantageously elaborated the characteristics of sublimation under the background for Canada’s particular history,geography,climate,religion,de
查德在秘书的办公桌旁停了下来。“我马上去吃饭,一个小时左右回来。”  “老板,一点钟你约了财务主管,可别忘了。”  “你帮我把这个见面推迟一个小时吧。在接下来的这段时间里,我不想被人打扰,明白吗?”  秘书笑了。“好的,老板。还有,玫瑰花已经送出去了。”  “好,谢谢你,凯蒂。”说完,他离开了她的办公桌。  “结婚周年快乐!”他快要出门的时候,凯蒂说。  查德走进电梯,傲慢地朝那个怪胎点点头。这位
【摘要】随着时代的发展,传统的课堂教学模式在不断的受到挑战。《大学英语课程要求》提出的英语教学模式重点要求课堂教学应由教师的“教”转移到学生自主的“学”。本论文将结合本校目前应用试行的斯坦福英语学习系统平台进行改革尝试,通过引进基于信息技术下的斯坦福英语软件这种新型的采用“E C”相结合的混合式教学模式来不断提升高职课堂的英语教学水平,增强高职学生英语口语能力及提高学生未来就业的技能。  【关键词
【摘要】随着社会的发展,对大学英语的学习已经成为学生的必修课,但对大学语文的学习却渐渐淡出学生的视野,这最终导致的结果就是西方文化逐步取代东方文化,从中华民族的长远发展来说,这将是一个毁灭性的事件,本文将从在大学英语教学中如何导入中国文化及对大学英语教学如何进行改革着手来研究如何向世界传播中国文化,防止中国文化的丧失。  【关键词】英语教学 中国文化 导入 教改  学习语言是为了更好交流,而交流的