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在中国近现代史上,中国共产党与中国国民党这两个对中国社会发展影响最大的政党,曾出现过两次大的合作。一次是1924年到1927午的第一次合作,建立了反帝反北洋军阀的统一战线,赢得了北伐战争的胜利,解放了大半个中国。一次是1937年“七·七”事变之后,国共两党在抗日的旗帜下再次实行合作,取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利。历史上这两次国共合作的形成与坚持,与中国共产党在两次合作中的策略演变是密不可分的。认真研究这一历史现象,对于我们科学地总结两次国共合作的成功经验,指导实现第三次国共合作,具有十分重要的意义。 一、第一次国共合作的形成与我党策略的两次转变 第一次国共合作的实现,反映了中国革命发展的必然要求,其合作的政治基础是打倒帝国主义及其在中国的走狗北洋军阀。为此,中国共产党必须把反帝、反封建的一切阶级和阶层联合起来。中国革命的历史证明,没有工人阶级及其政党中国共产党的领导,反帝、反封建的斗争都会遭到失败。中国共产党成立后的历史、特别是第一次工人 In the modern history of China, two major cooperation have taken place between the two parties, the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang, that have the greatest influence on the social development in China. Once the first cooperation from 1924 to 1927, it established the united front against imperialism and anti-North warlords, won the victory of the Northern Expedition and liberated more than half of China. Once was the “September 7 Incident of 1937”, the two parties of the KMT and the CPC once again implemented cooperation under the banner of resistance against Japan and won the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The historical formation and persistence of the two Kuomintang-Communist cooperation and the evolution of the strategy of the CPC during the two co-operations are inextricably linked. A careful study of this historical phenomenon is of great significance to us in scientifically summing up the successful experience of the two Kuomintang-Communist cooperation and guiding the third Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. First, the formation of the first KMT-CPC cooperation and the two changes in our party’s strategy The first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party reflects the inevitable requirement of the development of China’s revolution. The political basis for its cooperation is to overthrow the imperialists and their northern lackeys in China warlord. For this reason, the Chinese Communist Party must unite and oppose feudalism with all classes and strata. The history of the Chinese revolution proves that without the leadership of the working class and its party, the Chinese Communist Party, the struggle against imperialism and feudalism will fail. History after the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, especially the first worker
未来的世界会越来越好么?谁都希望如此,但科幻作品不是这么看的。  孩子们说:“未来有智能机器人,帮人做家务,甚至成为家庭一员……”  我说:“在电影《人工智能》里,2050年,有个机器人小孩聪明又懂事,但后来他没用了,被扔到回收机器人的垃圾场,那些被遗弃的机器人想逃离此地……另一部电影里,机器人智商特别高,学会了驾驭人类;还有部电影,机器人比人类聪明,给人做手术,把人变成机器人……”  孩子们被这
德国诗人席勒说:“只有恒心可以使你达到目的”。一个人在确定了奋斗目标以后,若能持之以恒,始终如一地为实现目标而奋 German poet Schiller said: “Only perseverance ca