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2002年6月1 8日,连接宝峰变电站和罗平变电站的500千伏宝罗线正式投入运行,这是云南第一条500千伏西电东送大通道。大通道的建成,意味着云南电网实现了从220千伏到500千伏超高压电压环网运行的历史性跨越,在云南省全境内形成了一条贯穿东西的500千伏电力大通道,使云南电网每年向外输电能力由20万千瓦一步跨越到90万千瓦,并为满足云南电网2003年向广东送电160万千瓦和201 0年送电300万千瓦奠定了基础。这对加快实施西部大开发,促进云南经济发展具有重大意义。 On June 18, 2002, the 500-kilovolt Po Lo Line connecting Baofeng Substation and Luoping Substation was officially put into operation. This is the first 500-volt West-East electricity transmission tunnel in Yunnan. The completion of a large passage means that Yunnan Power Grid has achieved a historic leap from the operation of 220 kV to 500 kV UHV voltage ring networks and has formed a large 500 kV electric power thoroughfare throughout Yunnan Province, The annual power transmission capacity of the power grid will be expanded from 200,000 kilowatts to 900,000 kilowatts in a single step, laying the foundation for Yunnan Power Grid to send 1.6 million kilowatts of power to Guangdong in 2003 and 3 million kilowatts of power in 2020. This is of great significance to accelerating the great development of the western region and promoting Yunnan’s economic development.
表示过去未曾实现的想法、打算、希望、计划或意图的表达形式有: 一、动词hope,want,intend,plan,expect,mean等的过去完成时加一不定式,或其一般过去时加一不定式的完成式
俄罗斯是世界上最早建造地铁的国家之一。莫斯科地铁目前已成为仅次于纽约、伦敦、巴黎和东京的世界第五大地铁系统。如今,莫斯科地铁已走过了65个春秋。 莫斯科早在1901年就制订了
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