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市场经济,既是法制经济,又是道德经济。只有在法制的框架内,在道德的约束下,市场竞争才能正常有序地进行。所以,江泽民同志在提出以法治国之后,又提出以德治国。对企业来说,就是要坚持以法治企的同时,加强以德治企,增强企业的竞争力。企业的道德形象决定企业在市场竞争中的成败现在,大多数企业参与市场竞争时,是遵纪守法、讲诚信、讲道德的。但是,却有相当一部分企业在利益的驱动下违规违法、不讲诚信、不讲道德。所以,在市场竞争中,出现了许多道德沦丧、损人利己、损害消费者权益的现象。一个企业的生存和发展是由市场来决定的。没有市场的企业,也就失去了存在的必要。一个道德形象美好的企业,在市场中受人欢迎,产品畅销,合作者越来越多,路越走越宽,市场越来越火,企业的发展,必然如日中天。 Market economy is not only the legal economy but also the moral economy. Only in the framework of the legal system, under the moral constraints, market competition can be normal and orderly manner. Therefore, Comrade Jiang Zemin proposed the rule of virtue after he proposed to rule the country by law. For enterprises, it is necessary to adhere to the rule of law enterprises, while strengthening the rule of virtue enterprises and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprise's moral image determines the success or failure of the enterprise in the market competition Nowadays, when most enterprises participate in the market competition, they are law-abiding, honest and ethical. However, a considerable number of enterprises are violating the laws and regulations in violation of interests, they do not speak good faith and do not speak morally. Therefore, in the market competition, many phenomena of moral loss, self-sacrificing and damaging the rights and interests of consumers have emerged. The survival and development of an enterprise are determined by the market. Without the market enterprises, it also lost the necessary existence. A good corporate image of morality, welcomed by the market, selling products, more and more partners, the road wider and wider, the market is getting more and more fire, the development of enterprises, is bound to go Aarmens.
1.发队码牌。第一节室外课整理队形完毕后,教师发队码牌,牌上用二个数字表示学生在队列中的位置:如第一列排头生的队码牌为“一.1”,第一列第二名为“一.2”,依此类推。 2.