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良种壮苗是我们伟大的领袖和导师毛主席提出的“农业八字宪法”的重要组成部分,是绿化造林的物质基础。因此,在杉木育苗工作中必须狠抓技术关键,切实把苗木育好,争取为社会主义革命和建设作出贡献。 根据我们长期实践,要搞好杉木育苗,我们认为必须努力抓好以下几个技术措施: 一、选好圃地 精细整地 1.选地 苗圃地的选择,要全面考虑地势、土质、水源三个条件。地势应比较平坦,但不能低凹,以便灌溉排涝;土质应选疏松肥沃的沙壤土、黄沙土、小粉土,不要选“栗子土”、“青泥条子”。即不要选过粘的土壤,否则苗木根系发不开。但也不要选过沙的土壤,过沙了也保不住水,都会影响苗木的生长;水源要充足,便于抗旱。 2.整地 圃地选好后,要精细整地,以创造苗木生长发育的良好条件。整地时,对原来育过苗的田块,在起苗后就要及时耕翻、冻垡;施入第一次基肥后再耕翻第二遍,进一步松碎土壤;施入第二次基肥后再耕耙一次,使土壤发泡,土肥融合。对以往没有育苗的田块,第一次耕翻最好放在冬季。有条件时冬季耕翻两次最好,可以更好地加深耕作层,冻土碎垡,消灭杂草、病虫。 Strong seeds and strong seedlings are an important part of the “Agricultural Character Character Constitution” put forward by our great leader and teacher Chairman Mao, and are the material basis for afforestation. Therefore, we must pay close attention to the key technology in seedling raising and fir seedling cultivation, and earnestly cultivate the seedlings so as to make contributions to the socialist revolution and construction. According to our long-term practice, we must strive to do a good job in the following technical measures: First, choose the fine site preparation 1. To choose the nursery to choose, to fully consider the topography, soil, water three condition. The terrain should be relatively flat, but not concave, in order to irrigation and drainage; soil should be selected Loose loam sandy loam, yellow sand, small silt, do not choose “chestnut soil”, “green noodles.” That is, do not choose sticky soil, or nursery stock root hair can not be opened. But also do not choose the soil of the sand, over the sand also can not keep the water, will affect the growth of seedlings; water should be sufficient to facilitate drought. 2. After the preparation of land preparation garden, to finely ground, in order to create a good condition for growth and development of seedlings. Preparation of the land, the original seedlings nursed back to the field, should be promptly after the seedling tillage, frozen noodles; applied after the first base fertilizer and then turn the second time, to further loosen the soil; applied to the second base fertilizer After a rake again, so that the soil foam, soil and fertilizer integration. In the past there is no nursery plots, the first tillage is best placed in winter. Conditional winter plowing twice best, you can better deepen the tillage, frozen soil broken 垡, eliminate weeds, pests.
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(一 )江西东南西三面环山 ,北有鄱阳湖 ,内侧丘陵广亘 ,中部平原坦荡 ,地势由外及里 ,自南而北 ,向鄱阳湖倾斜。土地总面积为 1 6.69km2 ,以山地、丘陵为主 ,其中 :山地占土地
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