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财富不愿外露与美国富人们不一样,法国富人们不太愿意谈论自己的财富,尤其是不想公开自己的财富数字。富人们不愿让传媒采访,对自己的财富组成也毫不展示透明度。这种习惯与法国人重视自己私生活的秘密有关,但更与法国文化的重价值、轻金钱,重精神、轻物质的传统有关。长期来法国人在社会生活中看重个人发展、个人自由,衡量工作与事业的成功也将价值放在金钱之前。因此,唯利是图、赤裸裸的拜金主义受人鄙视。近10年来,这一风气逐渐有所变化,这也是经济危机促使人们的心态发生的变化。但即使是今天,人们也还未把金钱放在第一位。最近一项民意测验表明,占多数的法国人(59%)认为人的价值重于金钱。而认为金钱价值优于一切者只占6%左右。因此,具体了解、揭示法国富人们的状况是颇不容易的事。当然,达里还有一个税务的问题:法国是一个福利国家,因此税务很重,而拉丁民族始终讨厌政府的税务。因此就产生 Unlike the wealthy Americans, the rich in France are reluctant to talk about their own wealth. In particular, they do not want to disclose their own wealth figures. Rich people are reluctant to let the media interviews, nor do they show any transparency about the composition of their own wealth. This habit is related to the French’s emphasis on the secrets of his private life, but more on the tradition of French culture, which is of great value, light money, heavy energy and light matter. For a long time, French people valued personal development in their social life. Individual freedom and success in measuring work and career also put value before money. Therefore, the mercenary figure, naked money worship despised by people. In the past 10 years, this trend has gradually changed. This is also a change in the mindset of the people caused by the economic crisis. But even today, people have not put their money first. A recent opinion poll shows that the majority of French (59%) think people are more valuable than money. Those who think that the value of money is superior to everything account for only about 6%. Therefore, it is not easy to understand and reveal the situation of the rich in France. Of course, there is another tax issue in Dari: France is a welfare state, so taxation is heavy, while the Latin nation always hates the government’s taxation. So it is generated
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