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1996年11月6日,自治区副主席张廷武一行到林业厅现场办公.在听取了林业厅的工作汇报后,张副主席对1996年全区林业工作取得的成绩给予充分肯定,对全区林业职工为我区农牧业生产做出的贡献表示感谢,并对今后的林业工作做了重要指示,明确提出了1997年全区林业工作的任务、重点及要求.张副主席强调,要充分肯定林业在自治区经济发展中的重要作用和几年来林业工作的成绩及贡献.我区自然条件的特点就是风沙干旱、水土流失严重,这是发展农牧业生产的不利因素.因此,林业建设在防沙治沙、保持水土、改善生态环境和农牧民生产生活条件方面占有非常重要的地位.可以说,没有林业建设作保障,就没有农牧业生产的大发展,也不会有我区经济的大发展.几年来农牧业稳步发展,特别是今年的农牧业大丰收,很重要的一条,就是得益于多年来坚持不懈地抓包括林业建设在内的农牧业 On November 6, 1996, Zhang Tingwu, vice chairman of the autonomous region, and his entourage went to the Office of Forestry for on-site work, and after listening to the report of the work of the Forestry Department, Vice Chairman Zhang fully affirmed the achievements made by the forestry work in the whole region in 1996, Expressed my gratitude for the contribution of agriculture and animal husbandry in our region and made important instructions on future forestry work and clearly set forth the tasks, priorities and requirements of the forestry work in 1997. Vice Chairman Zhang emphasized that we must fully affirm that forestry The important role of the economic development in the autonomous region and the achievements and contribution of the forestry work over the past few years.It is characterized by the natural conditions of our region characterized by wind and sand droughts and serious water and soil loss which are the unfavorable factors for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry production.Therefore, Sand control, to maintain soil and water, improve the ecological environment and the production and living conditions of peasants and herdsmen occupy a very important position.It can be said that without the protection of forestry construction, there will be no big development of agriculture and animal husbandry, there will be no economic Great development.Agricultural husbandry has developed steadily in recent years, especially in this year’s bumper harvest of agriculture and animal husbandry, a very important one is to benefit from over the years to persevere in including forestry Set up, including agriculture and animal husbandry
制作方法:一、用中药丸腊皮半只,放到铁勺烧化到80℃左右,然后把铅坠放到腊里边,沾一下,捞出来,放凉,这是打底层。二、 Production methods: First, the use of Chinese me
本文提出了一种基于CAN总线通信的停车位检测和管理方法,这种通信是在光传感器、PC站和无线电台之间进行的。本系统可以为车载设备和固定用户提供停车场的实时信息。 This p