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  What do we talk about when we talk about Apple’s Siri? You know that virtual intelligent assistant in your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch. Well, apart from saying directives1, we usually ask questions. So what questions do you ask Siri? Does it ever occur to you that maybe in the near future you can even ask Siri the following questions?
  * What is my housing fund2 account number?
  * Why do I have a lower salary pay this month?
  * I’ve been working in Siemens for over 10 years, so how shall I benefit from Long Service Award?
  Sound familiar to you? Actually these are some of the most frequently asked questions from Siemens China employees. And I have a whole list of them, which, however, is just the tip of the iceberg. Statistics show that there are over 4000 phones calls and emails for HR call center each month and among which approximately 5% of the questions are irrelevant, or not within HR service scope. Some of you may have such experience as when calling AskHR3 for a seemingly HR-related question and then was told to dial somewhere else for solution. This happens every day in your daily work, especially for newcomers, who probably do not have a clue on whom you should ask in the first place. Also there are quite a number of call centers in Siemens, and as most call center operators repeatedly answer similar questions every day, can we combine those call centers altogether as one Artificial Intelligence Service Center?
  So I come up with the idea that in the near future there will be a virtual intelligent assistant, like Siri, who can help Siemens employees by answering whatever questions ranging from IT, finance, HR, to all service functions. By the way, we can call it SIRI too with all capital letters, which stands for Siemens Instant Responding Intelligence4.
  Imagine this SIRI as a built-in app5 in your smartphone, compatible for both iOS and Android.You can start the service by entering your GID number6 and the password. Then talk to SIRI like this, “Hey SIRI, how can I register my training course?” It will probably answer, “OK, here’s what I found” by displaying a flow chart which shows the whole process explicitly. Or ask SIRI, “Why there’s an extra individual income tax deducted in my salary this month?”7 You are expected to hear the following answer from SIRI, “Because you enrolled in the commercial insurance which, as one of the company benefits, is subject to individual income tax.” While at the same time such links as “Click here to learn more about individual income tax” or “Know more about commercial insurance” are appearing on the screen. You can even ask SIRI, “How many shares can I get from the company?” It is smart enough to match all your information, say your annual target compensation8, if you’ve ever invested in Siemens shares, how long have you been holding for the shares, is it long enough to entitle 1/3 of the free shares, and Siemens share price… and then SIRI will do the math. Before telling you the result, it also takes confidentiality into consideration9 by saying “Since the data is highly confidential, this requires your earphone. Or choose to receive an encrypted10 email on this question.” Likewise, it also provides you with some hyperlinks if you want to dig it a little deeper. Of course, SIRI will do all these in a blink of an eye. In short, SIRI is always there for your enquiries 24/7 as long as your smartphone isn’t powered off. In other words, you are always digitally connected with SIRI. You can ask SIRI whatever you want and get a plausible11 answer. You may even find it amusing to ask SIRI hilarious questions.

  You: “Hey SIRI, tell me how much does my boss earn?”
  SIRI: “This is about you, not your boss.”
  You: “How good do you think I can get for my PMP12 result this year?”
  SIRI: “Talk to your boss, seriously.”
  But what if SIRI answers “I’m not quite sure about it” or “I cannot figure it out”? Well in that case, your question is probably beyond SIRI’s knowledge scope and you can turn to your local HR or other colleagues for help.
  The development of this app will surely be complicated and time-consuming as it takes a lot of efforts to get digitalized, to collect all the standard answers of FAQs13, which may vary from each other in terms of local policies. It also takes efforts to accurately match the key words from hundreds of thousands of questions related. Technically, it adopts speech recognition, advanced machine learning technologies, and voice synthesis14 system or having human voices recorded if we want SIRI to be more humanlike. Undoubtedly, this also requires collaborations among all related functions as well. And all these efforts and investments are worthwhile because when finally launched, it covers over 90% of employees’ daily questions, which not only saves personnel cost in the long run, but also improves user experience. And the remaining 10% of the questions will be solved by human professionals.
  The good news is, in fact, this SIRI already has its 1.0 version which is called CARL—your digital HR assistant helping you find answers to HR questions faster and easier than ever. While on the flip side15, there’s also the bad news as some of you may wonder if SIRI is stealing my job, especially for employees from call centers I guess. Well, this isn’t just for call center operators. I believe you must have heard about the first self-service bank in Shanghai—China Construction Bank—where you cannot find one single bank clerk or account manager or even security guard. And think about those self-driving cars or Skype translator, or even the latest Google Assistant that amazed the world. A recent study predicts that 25 million jobs might disappear over the next decade. I mean artificial intelligence is coming and it is rebuilding our jobs—jobs turning from singular-tasked to multi-skilled, repetitive to innovative, and operational to insightful. Imagine your IT helpdesk staff to be the virtual intelligent assistant maintainer or developer, your junior HR assistant to become the professional career counselor or psychotherapist16, or even jobs currently we do not know—you know those brand new jobs that emerge in the age of robotics. As our technology gets more advanced, more and more jobs are designed to have comprehensive skills and creative ideas. I believe it is high time for us not only to re-design our jobs, but also to unlock our hidden talents and passions in our everyday work so that in the age of artificial intelligence, instead of being replaced, we can survive or even thrive with robots which help us fix those boring routines.   As British writer Serena Mackesy17 once said, “Most people have to get to a point where they don’t have a choice before they’ll change something.” Well, just stop being that “most people” who are forced to change. Start changing your daily work by bringing every little bit new idea that matters, or even ideas that have an adrenaline rush18. It is those innovative ideas and thoughts that separate us from robots and that will definitely make our life and work a lot easier and more meaningful as well.
  1. directive: 指示,命令。
  2. housing fund: 住房公积金。
  3. AskHR: 是西门子内部的HR(人力资源)热线中心,为员工提供各类与HR相关的服务。
  4. Siemens Instant Responding Intelligence:指西门子即时反馈智能系统,简称SIRI。
  5. built-in app: 内置应用。
  6. GID number: 即Global ID number,是西门子公司的员工在全球范围内的唯一员工号。
  7. individual income tax: 个人收入所得税;deduct: 减去,扣除。
  8. annual target compensation: 年度目标薪酬。
  9. take sth. into consideration: 考虑到……,将……考虑进去。
  10. encrypted: 加密的。
  11. plausible: 似乎合理的。
  12. PMP: 即Performance Management Process,西门子公司内部的年度绩效考核管理流程。
  13. FAQ: 即frequently asked questions,常见问题。
  14. voice synthesis: 语音合成。
  15. on the flip side: 反过来说,另一方面。
  16. psychotherapist: 心理治疗师。
  17. Serena Mackesy: 賽雷娜·麦克西,英国作家,著有畅销小说《坏女孩》。
  18. adrenaline rush: 肾上腺素冲击,形容(突发性的)一阵兴奋。
由Droneheads所设计,这款走在时代前端的智能手机可以用一种新鲜有趣的方式与远程飞机进行互动。其外形模仿了四轴飞行器,本手机有四个扩展手柄,分别用以控制高度、速度、方向和监测电池寿命。通过飞行器上内置的摄像头,用户可以用手机屏幕直接显示所拍摄到的视频图像。  设计者:Joe Sardo和Frederico Bruni
2月21日下午,浙江省二建钢结构有限公司3.8万平方米的主厂房内,近百名员工争分夺秒为中石化等单位有关项目赶制大型钢构件。摄影/ 严龙  是把工作精力用在复工复产上,还是用在疫情防控上?许多地方面临两难的选择。不过,浙江省似乎早在2月15日就摸清了门道!  “欢迎持有杭州健康码绿码的员工返杭工作,杭州欢迎您”,这是杭州市“企业严格防控有序复工”专班当时发布的《关于杭州市第二批有序复工企业的公告》。
左图:皓月当空  农历己亥年的新春,大街小巷洋溢着喜庆热闹的节日气氛。在徐家汇一处鸟语花香的小区中,阳光洒在晴窗之上,案头鲜花似锦,笔墨书砚,一应俱全,井然有序。窗外是热热闹闹的纷繁俗世,窗内则是一派清雅,绕梁不绝的,是袅袅昆曲笛音,清茶一杯,书籍满架,温馨、宁静而充满书卷气,丝毫不为外界的喧嚣所影响,却又透出浓浓的中国韵味。颇有一番“躲进小楼成一统”的优哉游哉。这就是上海滩赫赫有名的“三釜书屋”
小时候,爸爸问我有什么梦想,我说背包游遍世界,爸爸说,你长大后要读万卷书,行万里路,随着岁月的流逝,我渐渐发现,现实与梦想总有一段差距,但没有改变的是,我仍然努力坚持着走在路上的生活。  90年代初的西藏很少游客,旅游几乎未开发,我背着包一路搭乘各种类型的交通工具前往藏东,在一辆货车上路遇了一个背着大包和吉他的美国女孩,由于和司机的争执,我们被货车无情地扔到了荒无人烟的路上,结果那晚我们用大石块垒
经过2014年珠峰南坡的冰崩悲剧之后,登山兄弟会(一个保护自然的登山组织)优先考虑的事情是今年的珠峰登山探险活动。从职业上来说,这是今年的头等大事,而且今年被雇佣的人会比往年更多。我今年接到的第一个工作,是一个中国的女性珠峰登山队。有一部正在制作的纪录片是关于这个女子登山队和一位尼泊尔兄弟的,这位尼泊尔兄弟是普巴·丹增·夏尔巴,他被培训来进行高山摄影。普巴今年25岁,已经攀登过九次珠峰了。  我们
给自己一次机会,什么都不要做,别在一定时间抵达某个地方,别朝着某一个特定的方向。在这里,你可以随心所欲。这是你的机会,可以迷路、掉进溪里或发现一个美丽的地方。  ——摘自蓝迪日志  影像易于使人清醒。一张拍摄于1975年的老照片上,巨杉和国王峡谷国家公园巡山员蓝迪·摩根森正在特纳亚湖溜冰。周边的景观显示,这是百分百纯自然湖面结成的冰场,杳无人迹,也缺乏安全设施。蓝迪悠闲的表情显示出他正享受其中。静
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