
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kentron
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Laminar flow and heat transfer characteristics of jacketed vessel with triangular flow channels were numerically studied under hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed conditions. Constant heat flux at the heated wall was assumed. The numerical program code in terms of vorticity, stream function, axial velocity component and energy equations was written based on a finite volume method. Based on the numerical results, the flow and temperature field were given, and the effects of Dean and Prandtl numbers on flow and heat transfer were examined, and the correlations of flow resistance and mean Nusselt number were developed for the jacket. The results show that the structure of secondary flow is steady two vortices in the investigated range of dimensionless curvature ratio and Reynolds number. Two peaks of local Nusselt number increase significantly with Prandtl and Dean number increasing, but the local Nusselt numbers near two ends and at the center of the heated wall increase only slightly. The center and two ends of heated wall are the poor positions for heat transfer in the jacket. Compared with the outer half coil jacket at the same area of heated wall, curvature radius, Reynolds number and Prandtl number, the jacket of triangular flow channel has lower flow resistance and less mean Nusselt number. The numerical program code in terms of vorticity, stream function, axial velocity component and energy equations was written based on a finite volume method. Based on the numerical results, the flow and temperature field were given, and the effects of Dean and Prandtl numbers on flow and heat transfer were examined, and the correlations of flow resistance and mean Nusselt number were developed for the jacket. The results show that the structure of secondary flow is steady two vortices in the investigated range of dimensionless curvature ratio and Reynolds number. Two peaks of local Nusselt number increase significantly with Prandtl and Dean number increasing, but the local Nusselt numbers near two ends and at the center of the heated wall increase only compared with the outer half coil jacket at the same area of ​​heated wall, radius radius, Reynolds number and Prandtl number, the jacket of triangular flow channel has lower flow resistance and less mean Nusselt number.
由于学生不太熟悉英语的表达习惯,所以他们在使用英语的过程 中往往出现语义重复的现象。下面笔者将同学们经常出现的这类错误 加以归纳和总结,希望能引起同学们的注意。 1.A
[关键词]生态史,高考,解读材料  [中图分类号]G63[文献标识码]B[文章编号]0457-6241(2008)19-0042-03    近来,在对高考历史试题进行分类研究时,若干道一时难以确定其类属的题目引起笔者的极大兴趣。现从中选择几题,列表简介如次,与大家切磋。    可以看出,表中这些题目既不是按阶级斗争史观(革命史史观)设计的,也不是(或主要不是)按现代化史观、整体史观(全球史观)、
be动词是原形,摇身一变可成is,am,are。具体怎样使用它呢?现在送你一则口诀,帮你熟记“be的用法”。be动词一般不直接出现在句子中,be随人称而变化,即:I am,you are,he/she/i
1 进行试卷分析的目的  试卷分析是课程考核统计分析工作的重要组成部分,为改进教学工作、提高教学质量提供重要的反馈信息.开展有关试卷的分析工作,主要用以检测试卷中的试题能否真正达到考核目的,通过对试卷的抽样分析,检查试卷命题与课程要求是否相符,同时对试卷命题质量做出科学的鉴定和总结,不断提高试卷的命题质量.在对试题有关信息进行分析的基础上,检查该课程教学过程中教与学的效果,发现问题,并提出改进教学