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一、斷層的勘探分類有色金屬矿床在產狀方面一般頗不規則,在構造上如果又受到褶曲或斷裂的破壞,礦床的形狀更加複雜化,勘探時更須細緻從事。即使在規模巨大的煤矿或鐵矿區倘若同樣受到構造的影響也會增加在勘探中的困難。褶曲對礦床的產狀變化雖有影響,而在勘探時倘有綫索可循,但當矿脈遭受斷層破壞時则須採取一系列的措施,否則勘探工程就會產生浪費。在勘探中所遇斷層,不按成因而按其明顯程度約可分為二類:一為無明顯斷层面的,一為有明顯斷層滑動面的。第一類斷層之特徵為破碎帶寬,有角礫岩,無一定的斷層滑動面,由於斷層兩壁多為厚層灰岩或砂岩,甚或其他上下岩層位對於對比的岩層,很難分辨斷层的性質,斷層走向或斷層錯動的方向,僅可能按角礫岩的礫石組成物質和礫石间粘結性的鬆緊程度,以及粘結物的性質來推斷其屬於逆斷層或正斷層。 I. Classification of Fault Exploration Non-ferrous metal deposits are generally irregular in appearance. If they are damaged by folds or faults in their structure, the shape of the deposit is more complicated and the exploration should be conducted more carefully. Even in large coal mines or iron ore mines, the same structural implications can increase exploration difficulties. Folds have an impact on the occurrence of the deposit, but there are clues to the exploration. However, a series of measures must be taken when the vein is damaged by the fault, otherwise the exploration project will be wasted. The faults encountered in the exploration can be divided into two types according to their obvious degree according to their causes: one is a clear fault surface, and the other is a clear fault slip surface. The first type of fault is characterized by crushing bandwidth, breccia, and no fault-slip surface. Because the two walls of the fault are mostly thick limestone or sandstone, or other upper and lower lithostratigraphic layers, it is very difficult to distinguish the fault from the contrasting strata It is only possible to deduce that it belonged to reverse fault or normal fault according to the nature of the fault, the direction of faults or the direction of fault dislocation. It is only possible to infer that it belonged to reverse fault or normal fault according to the degree of tightness of the conglomerate compositional material and gravel cohesiveness of the breccia and the nature of the bond.
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